Crisis at the US/Mexico Border: A New Film and Panel Discussion
October 27, 2020
5:00 PM via Zoom
With election day less than a month away, we must not forget the ongoing immigration crisis. Join us on October 27th for a virtual event highlighting the inhumane policies in place at the US-Mexico border. We will screen a preview of the film, Oh Mercy, by Worldwide Documentaries that follows asylum-seekers battling unsafe conditions at the border due to policies implemented by the current administration. The preview will be followed by a panel discussion moderated by Lucy Bassett, Professor of Practice and co-founder of Project Adelante, and will feature Academy-award nominated director, Robert Bilheimer; Dr. Susan Bissell, the former Chief of Child Protection at UNICEF; Sister Norma Pimentel, a longstanding advocate for migrants along the border honored as one of Time’s 100 Most Influential People of 2020; and Ned Flanagan, part of the Global Development Organization at UVA.
Sponsored by the Humanitarian Collaborative, UndocUVA, Batten LatinX, Global Development Organization, Global Programs Council, and Project Adelante.
Watch a recording of the film film preview and panel discussion here.